PSALM 28:6-7
In verses 1&2, David cried out to the Lord and asked that He answer his prayer. Although he was desperate, he knew he could find support in the Lord, his rock.
Now in verses 6&7, we read that the Lord heard David's pleas.
It is possible that some time passed between the first and the last section of the Psalm. David remembers the pleas he made to the Lord in a critical moment of his life and then talks about God's answer.
In verse 2, David makes his plea; in verse 6, his plea is heard. He starts with despair and ends with confidence. There is nothing wrong with pouring out your soul before the Lord, expressing your deep feelings, whatever they might be.
In fact, we are encouraged to do so in Scripture. But don't stop there with a desperate soul. Move on in the conviction that the Lord does hear your cry and you can trust Him in the darkest hours of your life.
It is then your heart will overflow with joy and thanksgiving at the sight of God's deliverance.
TODAY: Will you pour out your heart to Jesus today??
SONG: Cry Out To Jesus
SUNG BY: Third Day