Hebrews 4:14-16
Jesus - Our Great High Priest
I love these passages of scripture and the wonderful promises that we can hold fast to. Jesus, being our High Priest understands everything that we go through! And, He is the open doorway that leads us to the throne room of grace, so that we can find mercy and help when we need it.
Faith is the pathway that has been cleared and leads the way to the mercy seat! We must recognize that faith, gives us the assurance that there is a mercy seat and a High Priest that waits patiently to hear our confessions and petitions.
Jesus, is our great High Priest, who has ready access to God. Jesus, has been through weakness and testings, He has experienced it all - all but the sin. We can have the certainty to walk right up to him and receive what He is ready to give us, mercy and help!
The Revised Standard Bible interprets verse 16, "Let us then with confidence draw near." "Confidence" has the connotation of speaking freely. When we pray we are communing with God. We are in His presence and our faith is plowing the way before us -- because our prayers grow out of faith! We wouldn't even begin to pray if we did not have faith!
And, because our God is faithful, the strength to be faithful is promised to us. Forgiveness, access to the throne room of God and the promises of His Spirit, that no trial - no burden that we bear - will be greater than what we can handle.
God's declaration that He works in us both to will and to do - assure us that faithfulness can be produced in us when we yield as faithful servants to Him. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13
Hold fast to the promises of God, my friend! He is constantly working in us and He longs to have that close relationship with us. A relationship that gives us access to the throne-room of His Amazing Grace!!