Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning...
Joel 2:12
What a wonderful and promising scripture verse for those of us who proclaim Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! In these last days God is giving us a personal message of hope, He is saying, "It's not too late for complacent, self-satisfied and even "enemies of the cross" (Philippians 3:18) to repent!
We talk about revival, we have times set aside in our churches to have revival, yet what we need is a personal, pure and genuine heart before "The Lord Our God!" My prayer is Lord, "Please, give me a heart of repentance to see myself as you see me. Give me the grace to respond to your merciful call for change... and create in me a clean heart!
We know God hears our hearts... He longs for us to turn our hearts back to him and most importantly... He knows the secrets of our hearts. (Psalm 44:21) Foolishly we have made materialism, our "store-bought gods", unwisely we have traded worship for entertainment and blindly we have retreated from spiritual warfare and just closed the doors of the church lack of attendance.
Don't you know that God has this figured all of this out? Don't you know that we can't hide or camouflage what we do from God?
It's time for me... and many others to change our lives, not just the clothes we wear. It's time for me... and many others to "Come Back to God!" You ask, "Why?" Because, we serve a living God, who is kind, merciful and He bestows upon us extravagant love!!
We have a God who is most patient with us, ready and waiting for us to come back to Him, for He is our God! I believe if we obey (Joel 2:12) there will be blessings poured out upon God's people and His church!
Men, women, children and infants... from the sanctuary doors to the alter, let us come with weeping tears of repentance! Let us cry out to our God, "Have mercy, have compassion, Lord, and forgive me, forgive your people!"
"Lord God, intercede and have pity on we your people, don't abandon your heritage to contempt. Lord, don't let the pagans take over and rule, don't let them sneer and say, "So, where is their God now?" Change my heart God... Change our hearts!
Lord, I want more of you... no, I need more of you! Help me as I and others come fasting, weeping and sorry for our sins, for we are nothing without You!!
I want... I need more of Jesus... how about you??