I am positive that you know me. My name is Worry! I am the thoughts and images in your mind that are all negative in nature. I make you wonder how you will avoid all anticipated and potential threats to your world.
I am an emotion, that you experience as anxiety or concern about a real or an imagined issue. I like to prey upon your personal issues, such as health, finances or relationships. The personal issues are so much more invasive then just environmental, social or technological.
Yes, fear and doubt are my cousins. I think we interact rather nicely, what about you? I am the heartache you feel, with irritations and misery right behind.
Many people try to make my torments, short-lived, but I can put most of you into uncertainty for long periods of time. Time that you will never get back, the time you spend on me.
Friends, even one of our Lord's most faithful followers, Martha, was a worrier. She became filled with worry and anxiety about her household task and her sister's failure to help her with these chores.
Martha felt that Mary was shirking her duty. This irritated her to the point, that she complained, "Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me." Luke 10:40
I must admit... I have been "worried" when receiving company. Was the house clean enough? Will they like my food? Many of us are like Martha, anxious and troubled about many things, that really don't matter in large picture of life. While Mary on the other hand wanted what could never be taken away from her.
Once again though, our Lord Jesus, "gently rebuked Martha." And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things... Luke 10:41 Jesus empathized with Martha.
Jesus, was simply saying, Martha, my dear Martha, you are getting yourself all worked up, you are worrying and fussing over nothing. It is clear that Jesus loved Martha and wanted her to relax and feel free to sit at his feet and just learn from him.
There was nothing that Martha could prepare or do, that Jesus really needed or desired. Jesus, only wanted her heart.
That is what Jesus wants from us today, our hearts. Hearts that will
listen and hear His voice! Hearts and minds that will seek Him with everything that is in them.
Some years back, there was a really silly little song that became very
popular for a time. The song was, "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" I think the reason it became so popular, was because people could relate!
When you find yourself beginning to worry... simply stop and say, "No, this is not how the Lord wants me to behave!" Then read your Bible, say a prayer or sing a song of praise. Do anything other than sitting back and giving in to your worries!
Worry likes to stir the thoughts, that cause your doubts to grow and your fears to multiply!
Build your faith... not your worries!