Philippians 2:13-15
In the image to the left, is Shila Ghosh. She is an 83 year old woman who lives in Pali, in West Bengal, a state in the eastern region of India ad is the nation's fourth-most populous.
Her only son had a heart ailment and passed away a few months ago. To make ends meet, Shila now works for a living. Every evening, Shila comes from Pali to Kolkata to sell chips.
When asked if she has a problem in traveling, she weakly smiled and answered, "No, the bus gets me here and my health is not that bad."
Circumstances could have easily forced her to beg, but her dignity and respect is everything to her. She is determined to work until the end of her life, rather than to beg on the streets!
Story is courtesy of Sufia Khatoon,
A college student in Kolkata
Monday, April 2, 2012
Shila, could have easily become self-centered and self-seeking, instead she became self-sufficient. Without complaining and murmuring, she is working out her life. She is also setting an example to others, as she readily shows her perseverance and determination to survive in this world.
Paul exhorts us in Philippians, to be kind, humble in spirit and in our own behaviors. He tells us, that as Christians we are to be an example to this world, just as Christ Jesus is to us. Those who have contact with us, should readily see Christ in our lives, so much so, that they desire Christ in their own lives.
Paul also entreats us in these Christian duties; like-mindedness and lowly-mindedness. The law of Christ's kingdom is kindness and brotherly love. If we expect or experience the compassion of our Lord, then why wouldn't we want to be compassionate to one another?
Jesus Christ is an example of whom, we are to be like. If we are his children, we must resemble and mirror him! We are to be diligent in working out our own salvation, because God is working in us, to do just that! Our labors will not be in vain, because we depend upon the Grace of God working in us.
God's good-will to us, is the basis of his good-works in us. We are to always be diligent, hard-working and conscientious in our daily living. We are to always be friendly, peaceable and loving to those around us. As children of God, we are to be different from the sons of men! We are to be thankful and full of the joy of our Lord Jesus.
The example of a consistent believer, persuades and directs others to Christ and to living a holy life. The more corrupt and rebellious others are, the more we need to be careful, in keeping ourselves blameless and harmless! This means we are to be a light to others, without complaining or murmuring!
Just as a light-house warns mariners to avoid rocks, and guides their course into the harbor, so are we to be as Christians. We are to shine brightly with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we are to make known eternal life, through Him!
May our duties become natural and second nature to us. May we always be kind and sensitive to those around us. May everything we do, be done readily and cheerfully without murmuring! May we be a breath of fresh air, to this wretched and polluted society. And, may we carry the light-giving message into a darkened world that desperately needs Jesus!
So, my friend, when we feel like complaining, let us remember "Shila" and the way she chooses to live her life and solve her problem. For, if we have God working in us and the Holy Spirit to guide us, surely we can achieve true victory in our daily living... and without all the murmuring and complaining!
Friends, "May we always be a light that shines brightly to everyone!"