Okay... I have talked about how words can wound and damage us... how they often will leave emotional scars that often continue to sting... years after they are spoken. But, you have to know... there is hope... there is a flip side to damaging thoughts and words.
We can choose to take responsibility for our thoughts and train our minds to think on good things. In doing so it will change not only our thinking... but it will also change what comes out of our hearts and mouths. Gods Word states: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
Life starts when we keep a vigilant watch over our hearts. It keeps us from talking out of both sides of our mouths... avoiding lies, gossip and ridicule. We just need to press on into Jesus... with our eyes completely focused on Him... while ignoring all other distractions!! When we watch where we are going... the road becomes easier to tread... looking neither right or left; we will leave the devil in the dust!!
Kind words are sweet for us to follow... they produce a sweetness greater than honey in our mouth. Psalm 119:103 We need to develop words that are choice, so tasty; they will be better than the best home cooked meals! Our gracious speech is like clover honey ~ good taste for the soul... and quick energy for the body! While obstinancy breaks our spirit and those around us... a wholesome tongue is like a tree of life. Proverbs 15:4
So the good news is... when we change our thinking... our hearts and mouths will produce kinder words that help and heal; giving energy and a completely new outlook on life. It may not happen overnight... but when we try a little more each day... we will begin to recognise that we do not have to stay in an ugly mood or circumstance. The more compassionate we are... the more people around us will notice and hopefully pick up on our new thought process... making not only our lives... but theirs more tender-hearted and understanding!
Do you know someone who gets under your skin every time you see them? Well, start speaking more softheartedly to them, change your attitude... and you might see changes you never imagined! Even if the people around us... don't understand the process of change that we are in... they will soon find that they like the "new us!" I do believe that peace and joy will overflow into our relationships... leaving the harshest of people with a desire to know what has made the change in our lives.
I use to live on the outside... while hurting and burning up on the inside... but I have learned that Christ came that we might have abundant life. That means the Holy Spirit wants us to live "inside out!" Yes, inside out... letting God clean up the inside... so we can walk daily in the Spirit on the outside.
So are we living "inside out"... or "outside in"... does the world seem to lay its heavy burden on the outside... causing us to seethe and simmer on the inside??? If so we need to change our minds... and start thinking on the true, honest, good, lovely, just and pure things. While we guard our hearts with due diligence... stay alert and attentive to the Holy Spirit... we will find the path of life that leads to heaven and eternal life... and our journey will be a blessed one!