An old crow was perched on a tree near a farm-house and there he saw a farmer who kept some pigeons. He stayed and watched as the farmer took care of them daily. He fed them with grains and sheltered them through storms.
The old crow thought this would be a wonderful life and his desire to be a pigeon grew. His envy even led him to paint his body like that of a pigeon and so he could join the other pigeons on the farm. The pigeons never even suspected anything foul!
However, one day after the farmer fed them, the crow couldn't control himself and started to cry. The pigeons came to know that he was not one of them. They began to peck his body so mercilessly that he started bleeding.
The old crow had to fly away just to save his life. He went straight away to his own kin, to live life as a crow once more. But, because his body was painted like a pigeon, they refused to accept him.
Once more he was forced to flee in order to save his life. The old crow's life was now changed forever and he became a lonely, homeless wanderer.
A simple story with an old message, jealousy and envy only lead to heartache. So, what do we do when we see jealousy and envy rear its ugly head in our lives? We must take our daily lives, our sleeping, eating, going to school or work and give it ALL to God as an offering of service to Him.
We can not be so connected to this world that we fit in thoroughly and completely. There is danger and separation from God when we become so well-adjusted to the things of this world.
My friend, this world is not our home, so we must not make ourselves cozy and comfortable in it, especially not at the expense of our souls! Instead, fix your attention on the things of God and let your change be from the inside out.
This world will only drag us down to its level of immorality. Ask God what he wants from you and then be quick to respond to it. We in ourselves have nothing good to bring to God, but he will bring the best out of us and He alone will develop excellence and maturity in us!
Never for a moment envy those who are content to live a sinful life, but soak yourselves in the Fear (respect) of God. Surely, that is where our future lies and it will keep us from ending up like the old crow... a lonely, homeless wanderer.