Whether, times are good or bad, it is essential that we have that deep-seated JOY that comes when we have Jesus as our focal point in life!
I have had some on the most devastating, heartbreaking and lamentable days any one of us could have. Yet, I always find my strength and courage to maintain my advancing in Christ's kingdom, is grounded in the "Joy of Jesus!"
Not to long ago, I was hospitalized and learned I had another auto-immune disease named "Ankylosing Spondylitis"! In addition I was informed that several family members and additional loved ones who were going through tremendous and extraordinary circumstances.
I was heartbroken and despondent as I learned of so many difficulties and trials my loved ones and even myself were facing. I became numb and discouraged unable to comprehend the growing number of afflictions of so many dear family members and friends!
All I could pray was, "Jesus, please help me" a prayer I very often taught youngsters in my Sunday School class when they were in situations they didn't know how to handle or were overwhelmed with a problem.
I prayed for several days that very small prayer and Jesus heard and answered in a most "whimsical, animated" way! Suddenly, I remembered that when grounded in Jesus, there is always JOY to be found no matter what else was happening!!
Click or Copy and Paste the URL below, I think you'll grasp the joy that awakened in my heart and soul! I'm so thankful for the JOY that only JESUS extends to us!!