Trust in the Lord, do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Psalm 37:3-4 (KJV)
We ask God to reveal His plan,
His purpose for our lives.
But to turn our eyes upon a distant hill.
We clutch our dreams,
as if they're woven from the dust of heaven,
Convinced that they reflect the Father's will.
We fix goals, committed
to great things that will live on,
Achievements that will glorify God's name,
Unwilling to acknowledge the desires that lurk within,
That what we do might also bring acclaim.
We look ahead, beyond today,
To see where God may lead
here's always one more mountain to ascend.
We hurry through our days
As if the future might not wait,
As if all that really counts is Journey's End.
But God's intent for us
Is never anchored in tomorrow,
His purpose is for here and now...today.
God wants this life to be
A grand adventure, not a blueprint.
Our part is just to trust Him and Obey.
We glorify God best
By taking one step at a time.
We please Him most by living every hour
In constant celebration
Of His never-failing love
And in absolute dependence on His power.
For we fulfill God's purpose
And delight His Heart as well
When we walk the journey with Him, hand-in-hand,
Discovering that His presence
Makes each moment something precious
And we're living the adventure that He planned.
Be my daily guide upon the journey...
Help me find Your purpose for my life in the everyday.
Let me catch a glimpse of Your Glory in the commonplace.
Make me wise enough to treasure the here and now...
As I trust the future to You.
Author: B.J. Hof