I've been pondering two questions that I would like to share with you:
1. Why were we given the book of Acts?
2. Are we ready and willing to share our faith under any
conditions or circumstances??
The believers in the book of Acts were totally alive!! They were purposely generating and accomplishing a movement for their new found faith in Jesus Christ!
They had no fancy churches, no sound systems, no comfy pews, no special lighting, and not even their own Bibles!! And, yet we are told that the early church of believers were making things happen when it came to winning souls for Jesus Christ!
Oh, how the Devil must have been quaking and trembling with the realization of three thousand souls that were now new believers in Christ Jesus, see (Acts 2:41) and another five thousand men (not counting women and children) in (Acts 4:4).
So the answer to question number one, "Why were we given the book of Acts" has a very simple answer! God was providing an example of how the church of Jesus Christ should engage and function on a daily basis.
It stands to reason then, that we ask ourselves, "How many new believers have we won for Christ Jesus"?? You see, the Devil doesn't care what we believe... just as long as we don't share our faith with lost souls!!
We can pray every waking hour for the lost, but it doesn't do us or them any good if we are not sharing the love of Jesus Christ! Now, I know there is a movement that is trying to box Christians into a corner stating we need to be more tolerant, but that doesn't mean we can't speak up about our faith in Christ Jesus!
The world will not make our faith and beliefs in Christ an easy task of sharing, but that doesn't mean we don't share it with the lost. The Apostle Paul gave a final charge to young Timothy, stating, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Timothy 3:12 You might like to read Paul's total charge to Timothy here: (2 Timothy 3:10-15)
Paul knew what persecution was, and he was warning Timothy that he too might be persecuted. We also find in (Acts 12:1-3) that King Herod had James the brother of John killed by the sword and Peter was arrested.
The answer to question number two, "Are we ready and willing to share our faith under any conditions or circumstances"? Persecution is real and it is still occurring, we have brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus around the world, who this very day are being persecuted for their faith. (www.persecution.com)
I would ask, "Who can say that persecution will not happen here in the USA"? And, "Are we immersed and anchored in Christ Jesus enough to stand firmly in the face of adversity or persecution"??
We can't just come, sit and warm the pews week after week, we must begin to "ACT on ACTS"!! May we be like an all-consuming fire that spreads and burns feverishly with love for our lost family and friends! Other wise, I don't understand why we care to be a Christian at all, what would our purpose be??
Please continue to pray for then Sutherland Springs Church shooting in Texas and pray for our brothers and sisters in other countries that are persecuted just because they have made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior!
Here is one of our brothers in Christ who we can pray for, because he is being persecuted: (visit www.persecution.com)
Meet Pastor Bakhrom Kholmatov:
Held: 217 Days, Arrested: April 2017 in Tajikistan
Pastor Kholmatov, who was detained by police in April, was sentenced in July to three years in prison. The 42 year old pastor also known as Bakhrom Holmatov, was arrested April 10 after KNB officers raided the "Sonmin Sonbogym" or the "Good News of Grace" Protestant Church, harassing and beating church members in addition to arresting the pastor. During the raid, the officers confiscated items from the church, including the pastor's computer and the book "More Than a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell.
You can read the rest of his story and prison sentence at: www.persecution.com