Not so long ago, I joined TOPS, (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) a local group that meets once a week. The group encourages members to be responsible and accountable for their weight, with an emphasis on weight loss.
Subsequently, I met a group of women who not only welcomed me -- they embraced me with, strength, kindness and love. I must admit, I was a bit skeptical at first. It's not often you can get a group of women together who... well, who simply will "love you for who you are!"
In this group, the elementary and transparent acts of love are what I believe to be, "Christ like!" There are no conditions -- there are no provisional or fortuitous terms, these women have just "loved me" and it is evident that they "love one another!"
Each Thursday morning, that I attend is like an amplification of what the church of Jesus Christ should be. And, it goes a step further -- no one in this group is mandated to love each other -- they just do!
It is that simple and it is that complicated! Sadly, I have never found a group of women with so much unconditional love! I'm sure that our group is not all perfect... but there is a perfect love within the group.
The group of ladies that meet each Thursday conduct the meeting like, it is "a living church!" A church of Jesus Christ which most fervently applies the "law of love!"
Jesus taught of this pure and splendid love openly -- He had just washed the disciples' feet, a gesture of love and service. Only after that did He command them to do as He had done.
He had a specific mandate, a directive for them to follow. He specifically and authoritatively told them to "love one another."
Loving one another was and is not an opinion or proposal -- clearly it is an order, a law of sorts. And, it stands to reason, that this love He asks us to share, must be a "quality love!"
Jesus wants us to love -- just as He loved us! This is how the world will know that we follow Him and His precepts -- by our love!
We must look inside ourselves and ask the hard questions -- "Are we loving like Jesus loved?? Does our love for one another tell others that Jesus lives through us??
My friend, we must love each other like Jesus loved! Do you love fully and unconditionally -- AND, is your love so full of quality that it truly is is representative of a "Living Church?"
I hope and pray that we all learn to love like our Lord Jesus loved! Now, go out and share some love with someone today!!