2 Timothy 3:16,17
Today, I am sad and I am brokenhearted. I have worked in hospitals, nursing homes and I have volunteered on an ambulance squad. I have seen death take helpless victims of accidents, illness, suicide and even murder. But today is different, today I saw the heart of a young man searching for God, die tragically. Moreover, I'm not sure he found what his soul seemed to be longing for.
This young man's parents were drug addicts. His father was never around which left his mother to raise him and his many siblings. A good woman, with the intent to be a loving mom, however a few poor decisions changed all that. The more she got involved with drugs, the less capable she was of raising children.
Most common in this young man's and his siblings lives were beatings. Beatings that hurt, but that they got use to. This young man learned how to turn his body, so that when he was hit, he could lessen the pain.
The beatings were mainly for waking their mom up. You see when your mom is high on meth for a week, and when she would eventually, come down from that high, there is a lot of sleep for her to catch up on.
She would sleep for days, with a house full of kids, unable to do anything. The kids would eat what they could find, but there were no "home cooked meals." Anything they could find that was edible, was eaten, including food that was rotten. Often the basics were not available, and molded bread seemed a treat. There may be some canned goods, but this seemed like a 'tease' to this boy, because no one knew how to open the cans.
He and his siblings lived in filth and with that came thousands upon thousands of roaches. He and his sisters found some amusement in the fact that when an entire colony of albino roaches had broken out, the floors looked like there was an army of moving salt and pepper roaches.
School wasn't much better, when your clothes are as dirty as the rest of you and you stink and have lice, you don't make many friends. Sadly, as you could imagine he and his siblings were mocked for their appearance. Nothing too harsh, nowhere close to what was said at home.
One day this boy came to the conclusion there was a God. He was just six years old, when he screamed as loud as he could, all day long for help from God. He would scream so loud that his mother would wake up, but only long enough to beat him. When she went back to bed, he went back to screaming for God.
Grown up, this young man had two fond memories of childhood. The first was Sesame Street, which he and his siblings would watch whenever possible. They were amazed and wished they could live there. The second memory, was of his few, but favorite visits with his great-grandfather, who would buy pizza for him and his siblings. His great-grandfather would also tell him how special he was and how much he loved him. This grandfather planted a 'seed of love' within the heart of his grandson, one which the young boy would cling to for the rest of his life.
The young man made a decision to make a real life for himself. He found a job he loved and was making a good living as a 'motivational speaker!'
Imagine that, he wanted to inspire and encourage others. He felt his life was a blessing and taught him exactly about the kind of man he wanted to be.
He was still searching for God when he fell into 'a cult like religion', one which I will not name at this point, as I do not want to discourage anyone who may be of that faith. My intentions on this site are to introduce you to a loving God, who sent His only Son to die for our sins. When you know God and His Son Jesus Christ, you will find truth!
This young man was only thirty years old, when he was murdered at the hands of his girlfriend (she admitted to the murder). She was jealous and in a rage, she stabbed, shot and cut the throat of this young man.
Don't get me wrong, this man was not an angel, he had been in a pre-marital relationship, in which he had some pretty disgusting language habits. Do you see why his 'religion' did not help him?? He may have had knowledge about it, but it lacked the power of the Almighty God to change him. However, he did not deserve to die, especially in the manner of death that he faced.
Do you see why my heart aches today? Here was a little boy who had a horrible childhood, yet he thought it a blessing as an adult. Here he was trying to motivate, inspire and encourage others, with that powerful, little 'seed of love' that had been planted by his great-grandfather. In addition, he thought he had found God, but it is plain to see he was deceived and led away from the truth.
You may ask, "How can I say that?" I say it because this religion was based on books that were derived from man. Man has nothing to offer, man will always fail us, not one book written by man has the power to change any life.
If you are looking for 'life-changing words' you must read the Bible. It is the only Word that is living and able to speak to our hearts!! There is Salvation in the Bible, because it is alive with TRUTH! Why else would people feel conviction?

I am broken-hearted today because I have to wonder, what little child is growing up today with similar circumstances... and what young man or woman is searching for God? Moreover, what am I doing to reach out to those who are searching?
If you don't know Jesus, personally... but would like to, please contact me. I would love to tell you all about Him!
Dear Lord Jesus, Open the doors so that I might share your love with someone today!
(NOTE: You may have heard the story of the 'murder' of this young man. I am not disclosing his name, because I do not want to cause the family any more pain. The facts of his life, written above, were taken from part of a book he was writing. Please keep this young man's siblings and family in your prayers.)