Matthew 7:24-27
We were very blessed in 1986 to receive a plot of land up north where we built our first home. I would venture over to the land to view what work had been done that day.
One day I noticed that the builder had put the footers in, which are the support for the foundation walls. While I was getting out of my car to check out just what footers looked like, I noticed some little children had played in the cement making a true mess of the footers.
I called the builder and explained what had happened, and he sent a man up to help level out the wet cement once more. Needless to say the footers needed to be flat and even so we would have a firm foundation for our house!
Every house requires footers providing firm groundwork, or the home will not withstand powerful storms, causing it to possibly collapse and fall apart. Likewise, our lives ought to be well established and rooted in our relationship with Jesus Christ, so that we too can withstand powerful storms that swoop in upon us.
There will be countless distractions that the enemy will use to grab your attention off of what God would have you do. Looking back, I can detect the times when I tried to accomplish something without praying about it first, and my efforts failed miserably!
Before I knew Christ as my Savior I had nothing to build my life upon! Now before I make any decisions, be they small or large, I take time to ask the Lord what He would have me do.
With Jesus as the "focal point" for my life, I am able to walk confidently along a path that leads eventually to everlasting life with my Lord & Savior!